Sophie Shuona Wang

designer | maker | problem-solver | dreamer | traveler | adventurer

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I have explored art through a range of media - drawing, painting, photography, print-making, digital, sculpture, and installation. At the end of the day, pencil and paper are still my medium of choice. There's nothing like thinking through making, with lines pouring onto paper like free-flowing thoughts. Here is a snippet of my portfolio - a window into my exploration of architecture - the architecture of the mind and the architecture of physical space.


I am a visual artist working as a strategy consultant in technology, communications, and digital media. My dream is to unite my love for strategic and creative thinking to build a business that changes the world in a positive way.

Learning how to design and build using simple electronic modules was the spark that launched my career. My initial foray into engineering and design began with a robotics class, taught using PicoCrickets, an invention of the MIT Media Lab. Learning to build with modular electronics and programmable parts fundamentally expanded my perception of art and enabled me to envision the possibilities of design as a medium for shaping the future. This enthusiasm for design and invention propelled me into the Personal Robots Group at the MIT Media Lab. Though this experience was amazing, I saw first-hand that there is a gap between the incredible inventions of the Media Lab and making those inventions a part of the real world.

That question of how to bring an invention to market as a compelling product drove my entry into the startup world as a business developer and then as a strategy consultant in the technology, digital media, and retail experience industries. I am always on the look out for the right opportunity to return to the startup world - one that combines inventing the future with bringing the future to market.

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